Thursday, October 1, 2009

Ban the Third Person

Snotbubbles is both disgustipated and slightly amusified by the overusery of the third person when reporting the weekly goings-on around the league. Is it even possible to use "Chaka Khan" more times in one article than did Chaka Khan (hereafter referred to as "Caka Spahn) in its article? Snotbubbles (in his magnamitudinal generontosity) will comply, nonetheless, and bring Snotbubbles' thoughts to the table. No gimmickery, no rhetoricalissitude. Just plain Englishical Languagery.

A sadified week is was for these Snotbubbles, these scourged yet resilient power packets of mucous, these transluscent green domes of explosive power, these spawning grounds for the heralded snot-rockets. It appears that one week of underacheivery will not a season make, and Snotbubbles is certain that one day, Houshmandzadehnteit (bless his holy name and peace be upon him) will rise with great vengeance and furious anger against Caka Spahn. It has been written. Week 12. Watch out Caka Spahn.

Snotbubbles will now return to a normal level of humbilitizing and wish luck to all those revelizing in his momentary, week 3 setback. The Brees will blow again with force, metaphorizing in multiple, conflicting layers of Snotbubbilitude. And Snotbubbles will not step down to the insulting level that "McNair's Mistress" has already achieved with its blatant disrespect for our fallen brother.

And someday, Someday Fast Willie Parker will rise up in all his glory, hamstringititis and turfity toeyness be damned!

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